Na pamiątkę zostawcie po sobie ślad.
I think the suitcase dress would aulactly be a good investment for me! It would certainly be a creative way of getting around weight restrictions and carrying on way more stuff than I'm allowed!My suitcases are all practical out of necessity... but I do have a wonderful carpet bag at home that is going to be the first thing to come when I finally settle down somewhere... EhMx7uExd 08-07-2015 02:46 @Karla: To po co w nim jesteś? :') Inde 05-05-2015 17:43 TEN BLOG TO GOWNO W DUPIE KARLA 04-05-2015 14:04 Jestem tu Klaudia Klaudia 03-04-2015 16:05 Natalka tu była i pozdrawia wszystkich ktozi w ogole tu zajrzeli ! Wasza Nati. Natalia 31-03-2015 18:16 Siema, dedziu tu był. c: Heheszki... Pozdrawiam Was <3 dedziu 21-03-2015 20:24 Olka tu była Olka 21-03-2015 09:48 Klusek tu był. Juju 20-03-2015 13:56 V
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Pls. Inde 19-03-2015 16:16 Po co to usunąć i spokój będzie bo net zaśmiecacie;-; Ogar 18-03-2015 10:07 |