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It's a plrsauee to find someone who can identify the issues so clearly fveuTUgy 26-06-2016 22:12 If inamroftion were soccer, this would be a goooooal! CaL8LcnhExpJ 26-06-2016 22:11 Yeah that's what I'm talking about ban-i-byce work! HRnAz9G1pQO 26-06-2016 22:10 Well put, sir, well put. I'll cetlrinay make note of that. XkBI6moGSi0 26-06-2016 22:10 That's a slick answer to a chleglnaing question kUlzlVUK3Sto 26-06-2016 22:10 That's a posting full of intishg! rf0KXtDxep 26-06-2016 22:08 If you want to get read, this is how you shloud write. hQRvVsDv 26-06-2016 22:07 Umm, are you really just giving this info out for nohntig? yyTpbR3zjrDu 26-06-2016 22:07 This inoecdutrs a pleasingly rational point of view. g01vJm69xfh 26-06-2016 22:06 Your post has litefd the level of debate t1YNeJYD98iB 26-06-2016 22:02 |